Joyful Birthing

What you will get

Step-by-step method in easily accessible Content Hub
Use this to learn new ways of navigating your pregnancy so you can instantly start reducing your anxiety and building confidence.

Weekly Action Tasks with worksheets so you
always know what to do next

This will be invaluable in creating sustainable practices so you can remain in control during your pregnancy and as you prepare for birth.

Live Coaching and Community Connection Opportunities
Never feel like you're going through this journey alone. Join us on group calls, and in our Facebook support community, so you can be held accountable and receive ongoing feedback and support

Frequently asked questions

I'm not a first-time mom. Can I still purchase this program?
Absolutely. The principles we teach will help all pregnant moms feel empowered in their pregnancy and delivery.
I live outside of Canada, and my medical system is very different from the Canadian system. Will the content of this program be relevant for me?  
One of the most valuable parts of this program is the group coaching sessions you get access to once you're enrolled. Dr. Akindele has worked in four countries over her 30+ year career. You will gain access to her insight on how to navigate your medical system.
How long does this program take?
This is a 12-week program. You get weekly coaching for the 12-week duration, and lifetime access to the amazing course material.
Where have you been all my life?
Getting geared up to walk this journey with you! Go ahead and enroll now to join us on this incredible journey.
How much does it cost?
Our 12 week coaching bundle that includes lifetime access to our program can be yours for a one time payment of $1999 or for three equal payments of $737.
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Florence Women's Health Services
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